Idea Incubator

Below are ideas in conception. They revolve around bringing social change in third world countries like India. I hope that someday they develop into sustainable organizations.

If you would like to contribute or help in taking any of these ideas further, please don’t hesitate to contact me at

Therapists Without Borders

Mission & Vision:

  1. To bridge the shortage in supply of mental health providers in India by:
    1. Tapping into the pool of mental health providers in United States and providing them the opportunity to volunteer in India. The volunteer program will consist of
      1. Direct work with patients who need help
      2. Training/workshops for aspiring therapists/councilors
      3. Training/workshops in latest therapy practices
      4. Partnering with existing counseling centers/NGO’s/rehab facilities
  2. To reduce the stigma of mental health illness in India, so that
    1. People are less afraid to seek help
    2. There is support and acceptance of the illness within the community
  3. To provide treatment programs targeted towards women and young adults
    1. Partner with existing NGO’s/rehab facilities to create these programs
    2. Start separate rehab facility for women only (possibly a franchise of an American rehab in India such as Hazelden, Meadows)

Friends for Youth India

Friends for Youth is an US based non-profit organization working towards changing the lives of at-risk youth in the age group 7 to 18 years by the power of mentoring. From their website:

“Serving at-risk youth throughout the San Francisco Peninsula, our mentoring program matches youth with adult volunteers.  The youth in our program are referred by teachers, counselors, and youth service experts.  Our youth are  “at-risk,” meaning they may be facing problems at home with their families, struggling at school, or have issues with their peers or in their communities.
These young people – called “Junior Friends” – are ages 8-17 and need a positive, supportive adult in their lives.   Volunteer mentors – “Senior Friends” – serve as a friend and role model, making a real difference in a young person’s self-esteem, ability to communicate, and decision-making skills.”

Mission & Vision

Friends for Youth India will be a similar organization as Friends for Youth US. It will provide the much needed mentorship to thousands of underprivileged children in India by connecting them to the more fortunate and educated Indians who want to make a difference in the lives of people.

2 responses

14 05 2010
Eddy Gicheru Oketch

Hi, I am very interested in the “Friends For Youth India!” Sounds a great initiative. Will catch with you in mail to know more on how I may be of help. Good job, cheers!

21 02 2011
Dorcus D. Odera

Dear Friends For Youth, it’s nice to hear the good and noble idea of giving back to the society by mending its damaged social fabric through theraputic healing of its next generation. As Prophet Mohammed once sayed and i quote, ‘A person’s true wealth is the good he or she does to others’, i am compelled beyond doubt that your idea is a good one and would like to be part of it. Cheers!

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